Payables highlights
Keep resources happy with quick, accurate payroll. Keep local and state governments happy with quick, accurate sales tax payments. And keep clients happy with a reward points program.
Prepare payroll
Payables is where you perform payroll tasks which automatically include information from other areas of RB, such as jobs, invoices, company settings, and resource pay rates. This speeds up the process and reduces the opportunity for data entry mistakes. For example, preset payroll dates are selected from a drop-down menu when running payroll so you eliminate the possibility of entering an incorrect date.
Payables is also where you review and adjust pay amounts before cutting checks. If you made a mistake earlier when entering resource pay on an invoice — for example you forgot to add resource earnings or used the wrong pay rate — you can correct the pay in Payables before generating paychecks. You can provide resources with draft copies of their pay statements to review to catch any errors before closing payroll.
Finish payroll
In addition to correcting pay errors, you can adjust resource pay on an invoice (such as paying a reporter for parking or other expenses you are not charging to the client) or generally on payroll (such as a bonus or re-curring repayment of an advance). You can also adjust sales commissions on individual invoices.
When you have finished reviewing the current pay period’s pay statements, you close payroll and send resources pay statements via email or regular mail.
You can create payroll reports for both your office and resources in Payables. You can also generate other forms and reports related to payroll, including for sales commissions, miscellaneous pay not charged to invoices, and current or historical outstanding payables.
Cut paychecks in several ways
You can print payroll checks or direct deposit resources’ pay. Payroll direct deposit provides security, convenience and cost savings by eliminating paper checks.
If you use QuickBooks to pay resources, you can export checks in Payables to then import into QuickBooks. Or use RB9’s QuickBooks Integrator in Tools to skip a few steps in Payables and import payroll directly into QuickBooks.
Generate 1099s with RB9 info
Use RB9 to generate 1099-NEC forms for your reporters and other independent contractors so you don’t overlook any payments you made. You can review gross pay amounts and adjust as needed before printing 1099s from RB9.
Export sales tax info to Excel
Have RB9 compile sales tax reports for you. The Sales Tax Report can be exported as an Excel spreadsheet, so you can work with it in other applications.
Reward clients with points
Similar to frequent flyer programs, the RB Reward Points system rewards loyal clients with points that they can redeem with you. If you want to reward your clients based on the business generated by their calls to you, you determine which services earn points and who gets points for orders. For example, you can activate the rewards program for only certain clients.
You can also share points with other contacts at the same firm, so if for example a lawyer is not interested in points, you can designate others at the same firm, such as their secretary and paralegal, to receive their points instead.
You monitor, adjust, transfer, and redeem points in RB9. If you have RB Connect, you can give clients the option to track, manage, and redeem points online.
Want to learn more about RB Payables?
You can find out more about the Payables module in ReporterBase 101, which contains lessons about every module, function, plug-in, and concept in RB9.
ReporterBase 101 comes in 2 versions: weekly email lessons and a website, the RB9 Primer, where all the lessons appear. You can sign up to have an RB lesson delivered to your inbox each week. And you can also look up anything on the website, where lessons are grouped by module or concept.
What RB9 Payables functions are in RB Lite?
Check the comparison chart to see which of these functions are included in RB Lite.