What’s in RB Lite?
RB Lite contains RB9 functions that are needed for scheduling and billing services for depositions and similar jobs. They also include other RB9 functions that work in support of these main functions, such as receiving payments, paying independent contractors, and maintaining databases on clients, reporters/resources, and job locations.

What you can do in RB Lite
Functions in RB Lite work the same way as in RB9, but RB Lite does not have all of RB9’s features. Here are some highlights of what’s included in RB Lite:
- Jobs tied to cases automatically inherit case information
RB Lite is a case-based system. Information entered under a case, such as the parties involved and the services each party requests, automatically fills into the relevant fields in jobs linked to that case (usually depositions).
- View jobs in a list or as a monthly calendar
List View displays your schedule as a list with important information about each job, such as date and time, client, and location, in a grid. List View provides the most information on a single screen about all of the jobs displayed. If you want to search your calendar by job number, a date range other than monthly, or witness, use List View.
Monthly View displays a month’s worth of jobs at once in a calendar-page format. You can quickly get a feel for how full your calendar is, with the total number of jobs scheduled and cancelled in each day’s square, and page back and forth through the calendar or jump to a specific month. Use Monthly View to locate jobs quickly when clients call inquiring about a job by date.
- Flexible, guided job entry
You can set up jobs as part of a case, as a single event, as a series of jobs, or as linked jobs (2 different service providers for the same job that you plan to bill separately). All you need to start a job is who is ordering the job, the job date, and time. You can enter other information at any time, such as:
- Details about the witness, client, and job parties
- Job location (including setting up and hosting Zoom meetings)
- Notes on any aspect of the job
- Who you have assigned to do what on the job, such as reporters, scopists, and videographers
- Plus you can upload files to the job’s repository and the repositories for any of the tasks tied to it.
You can also confirm, cancel, or reschedule the job. Create another job by copying this one. Add third-party and insurance billing information. And more. You can completely manage jobs in RB Lite just like you would in RB9.
- Monitor/audit different aspects of your business
As jobs move through your company, stay on top of how your business is doing with multiple reports and audit features like:
- Calendar audits and reviews, so you can see how busy you really are and make sure you aren’t overlooking anything about upcoming jobs. You can also review your reporters’ and other resources’ work backlogs, and send them reminders about overdue tasks.
- Daily register reports for internal review, and monthly journal reports for your accountant. Use the interactive Aged A/R report to get an instant snapshot of accounts receivable for any date.
- Total outstanding payables reports, which list all invoices still due to resources, grouped and subtotaled by resource. You can also generate a version to give resources a list of their outstanding pay.
- Create invoices, store files, & generate production sheets
After a job occurs, RB Lite automatically uses the stored job information on the invoice(s) you generate for the job. You complete the billing information, such as services ordered, any additional parties ordering services, billing and pay rates, rush charges, any explanations or other info you want to include on the invoice(s), then have RB Lite calculate and post the invoices.
You also upload any files turned in with the job, such as transcripts and exhibits, to the repository. And if there is further work to be done in-house, such as creating different types of transcripts and sending them to clients, you can generate To-Do lists for your production staff.
- Manage invoices & payments, including CODs & retainers
You can:
- Post invoices as you generate them, or save time by posting them in batches.
- Email/mail clients original or current invoices (if they have incurred finance charges or late fees, for example). Plus send clients monthly statements.
- Transfer invoices between clients if there was a mistake in billing.
- Designate invoices as COD, either when generating a invoice or by designating a client as a COD firm. Then monitor and manage COD invoices separately from regular sales.
- Credit and track client payments, including retainers, credit card payments, and payments via PayPal or other payment gateways. Apply a payment to a single invoice or multiple invoices at once.
- Enter non-cash transactions, such as credit and debit memos, duplicate payments, refunds, miscellaneous income, voids, and write-offs.
- Enter credits, discounts, overpayments, and other adjustments. Assess finance charges. Include PayPal and credit card processing fees.
- Balance transactions and post payments.
- Pay reporters & other resources
Perform payroll tasks, such as:
- Reviewing pay statements and making adjustments. You can adjust pay on an invoice or generally on payroll (such as a bonus or re-curring repayment of an advance).
- Closing payroll and sending resources pay statements via email or regular mail.
- Maintain a deep database of your clients, resources, etc.
Store all of the information about your:
- Clients (firms, contacts at firms, and parent firms, i.e., company headquarters)
- Resources (reporters, scopists, videographers, other independent contractors, and non-people entities such as conference rooms)
- Locations (where depositions and other jobs take place)
- Business units (your company’s revenue centers or parts you want to track separately)
in RB Lite.
- Speed up mundane tasks
RB Lite includes a few handy tools for automating tasks and customizing form letters. You can:
- Import existing client and resource information from other applications into RB Lite.
- Quickly update different clients, jobs, resources, and locations at the same time.
- Create custom forms using the set of included templates in a word processor-like environment that automatically incorporates your RB data.
- Customize RB Lite to work for you
In addition to setting preferences for RB Lite functions, you can:
- Customize lists by adding, editing, merging, and deleting list entries.
- Set the default entry that appears in any field tied to a list.
- Set up users, store work-related and personal information about them, and give them user names and passwords to access RB Lite. Group them according to their access levels and job functions, so they can perform their jobs and receive internal messages.
- Customize the default Chart of Accounts to match your general ledger or accounting software.
- Set up service items, then group related service items so you can locate them quickly in their subgroups when billing, instead of scrolling through a long, undifferentiated list of all miscellaneous service items.
- Enter billing, pay, and rush rates for services.
- Set up billing rate groups for different categories of clients, so you don’t have to scroll through all of your billing rate tables each time you invoice a client. Set up pay rate groups for resources too.
- Group service items into billing sets to speed up billable services selection because you only have to choose the set, not each of the items individually.
- Set the year’s pay dates and their corresponding cutoff dates for each pay period.
- Create your own invoice headers and messages for different circumstances.
- Share work with other RB users
Enroll in RB Network, then look up other RB users in the network, find their contact info, and share work with them.
- Get help when you need it
You get the same help options as RB9 users, including:
- Support via live chat, phone, fax, and email.
- KnowledgeBase articles in the Help module.
- Report bugs and other issues with RB to OMTI Support in a support ticket system, then follow the resolution of your issue.
- Suggest Ideas function in RB, where you can ask for new features and vote on what others are suggesting.
- The Help Center’s videos, tutorials, cheat sheets, and downloadable user guides.
- Contextual help on every screen in RB Lite.
View the comparison chart below to see all of the functions that are included in RB Lite.
Function comparison chart
Functions included in RB Lite and RB9. For an explanation of a function, click its name in the chart to read about it in the RB9 Primer, where you can learn about all of the functions in RB Lite and RB9.
O = included X = not included
RB Lite pricing
RB Lite is available by monthly subscription only. The minimum subscription, which includes your RB server, one user license, support, and 100GB of repository storage, costs $150/month. Additional user licenses are $40/month per license, and each user needs their own license to access the system.
When you need more storage for repository files, it costs $50/month to increase storage to 500GB, then $50/month additionally for each additional 500GB. (You can delete files from your repository when you no longer need them to save on storage space.)
No plug-ins, no custom programming Visit the pricing guide for full information.
Want to try RB Lite yourself?
If you are interested in trying out RB Lite before making a commitment, we have an RB9 demo site you can explore. To access the site, contact OMTI Sales to request a user account.
Just looking for more info? Download the RB Lite fact sheet .