Cheat sheets
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RB repositories
RB9 has nine repositories where you store files for safekeeping and quick retrieval. This list of repositories tells you where they are located, suggested materials to upload to each one, and who can download published files online if you have RB Connect.
Where to upload Case What to upload - Pre-discovery documents
- Case word list
If published, who can access through RB Connect - Any contact listed in the Case Parties tab with the Allow case-level repository access box checked
- Any resource assigned to any job belonging to the case
- Job
Where to upload Jobs What to upload - Notices
- Errata Sheets
- Copy Order Forms
If published, who can access through RB Connect - Any contact listed in the Job Parties tab with the Allow job-level repository access box checked
- Scheduling contact
- Any resource assigned to the job
- Witness
Where to upload Turn-in What to upload - Transcripts
- Exhibits
- Reporter’s bill
- Depo videos/audio files
If published, who can access through RB Connect - Any contact who is ordering for the witness
- Any contact listed in the Job Parties tab with the Allow witness-level repository access box checked (3rd party access)
- Any resource assigned to the witness
- Invoice
Where to upload Billing What to upload - Invoices
If published, who can access through RB Connect - Sold To contact associated with the invoice
- Firm
Where to upload Firm What to upload - Quotes
- Contracts
If published, who can access through RB Connect - Everyone in the firm
- Contact
Where to upload Contacts What to upload - Quotes
- Contracts
If published, who can access through RB Connect - The contact
- Any contacts granted access to this contact
- Resource
Where to upload Resources What to upload - Contracts
If published, who can access through RB Connect - The resource
- All-Resources
Where to upload Repository What to upload - Files not related to a particular job, case, etc.
- Billing sheet
If published, who can access through RB Connect - All resources
- Location
Where to upload Location What to upload - Patient Authorization Forms For hospitals and doctors’ offices
If published, who can access through RB Connect - Do not publish (for office use only)
RB reports
RB9 provides a wide variety of preset reports designed to give you quick and easy access to your company’s information. The tables in this section group the preset RB reports into business-related areas.
- Collection-related reports
Send Statements Description Type Location Summarizes each client’s overdue invoices.
Can include copies of the invoices, showing payments, credits, finance charges and current balance.
Each attorney receives a separate statement unless the firm has been set up to consolidate.
Exportable monthly report with static report statements and past due invoices to send to clients
Aged A/R Description Type Location Summarizes each client’s unpaid invoices, grouped by when the invoice was due (aging period).
This interactive report can be sorted in ascending or descending order by time period, grand total owed, firm name or number, assigned collector, or COD status. You can also drill down to see details about the client, the outstanding invoices, and your collection efforts to date.
Exportable monthly report
Collection Forecast Description Type Location Lists promised payment dates (and amounts) of outstanding invoices, so you can forecast cash inflow to your business.
You can also monitor your collection progress with clients, document new attempts, and view graphs of clients’ account activity.
Exportable monthly report
RB9 only
- Financial reports
Daily Register Description Type Location Includes three types of daily registers:
- The Sales Register lists all invoices posted for the specified period, grouped and subtotaled by business unit. It shows how much revenue was generated.
- The Cash Receipts Register-Payment lists all payments posted for the specified period, grouped and subtotaled by business unit. It shows how much money was received.
- The Cash Receipts Register-Other lists credit memos, debit memos, duplicate payments, refunds, miscellaneous receipts, voids and write-offs posted for the specified period, grouped and subtotaled by business unit. It shows amounts for all other types of transactions.
Static report
Monthly Journals Description Type Location A summary recap of daily sales and cash receipts registers.
Your accountant uses this report to prepare your company’s financials.
Static monthly report
Paid Invoices Description Type Location Lists all invoices paid within the specified period, from first paid to latest paid.
Exportable monthly report
RB9 only
Voided Invoices Description Type Location Lists all invoices voided within the specified period, from oldest invoice to most recent.
Exportable monthly report
RB9 only
Gross Profit Description Type Location Lists gross profit amounts for each job or invoice.
Gross profit is the difference between the invoice amount and resource cost.
Static monthly report
RB9 only
Miscellaneous Sales Description Type Location Summarizes each invoice (containing the specified service items), grouped and subtotaled by client.
Static monthly report
RB9 only
Business Analysis Description Type Location This interactive report provides an instant snapshot of your business, with the sales amount and gross profit shown for different periods for comparison.
Exportable monthly report
RB9 only
Finance Charges Description Type Location Lists all of the invoices for which you generated or cleared finance changes today or other time period.
Exportable report
Liability Balance Log Description Type Location Instant snapshot of resources payable. Can also use to reestablish a starting balance as of a certain date.
Exportable report
RB9 only
- Client-related reports
Client Account Activity Description Type Location Lists all activities for the month plus all unpaid invoices for each client. Activities include invoices, payments, duplicate payments, refunds, credit memos, debit memos, voids and write-offs.
Static monthly report
Client Rating Description Type Location Shows all invoices (starting with O&1), grouped and subtotaled by client. Sorting this report by amount can generate a holiday gift list.
Static monthly report
RB9 only
Client Activity Description Type Location Lists a specific client’s invoices based on a set of search criteria.
For example, you can search by case to come up with a settlement amount for a particular case in seconds, no matter how long the case has been going on.
Exportable report
Client Analysis Description Type Location This interactive report summarizes a client’s billed activity, broken down by service. Compare totals by period to track your most important customers. Includes sales and court taxes as separate line items so amounts match Client Activity reports.
Exportable report
RB9 only
Insurance Billing Description Type Location Lists each invoice billed directly to an insurance company (or other third party), grouped and subtotaled by client and insurance company.
Provide this report to insurance companies when they ask for a report that breaks down their invoices by law firm and attorney.
Static on-demand report
RB9 only
Reward Points History Description Type Location Lists all reward points activity within a specific time period. Exportable report
RB9 only
Reward Points Analysis Description Type Location This interactive report lists clients’ yearly or monthly points activity for a defined time span, including points earned, points redeemed, adjustments, and transfers.
Exportable report
RB9 only
- Resource-related reports
Pay Statements Description Type Location Use the draft version of this report (in the Pay Resources function in Payables) to review what jobs and amounts for each resource are included in the current payroll.
After closing payroll, archive a copy of the final version of this report (in Payables > Send Resource Pay Statements) for your reference and send resources their individual pages of the report.
Static report
Sales Commission Description Type Location Lists all invoices that include a commission, grouped and subtotaled by resource or sales rep (account executive).
Commissions are automatically generated from invoices on jobs initiated by a resource’s or sales rep’s client.
Static monthly report
RB9 only
Total Payable Description Type Location Lists all invoices still due to resources, grouped and subtotaled by resource, with a grand total that represents your current resources payable liability.
Static monthly report
Additional Resource Production Description Type Location Lists all invoices that include additional pay, grouped and subtotaled by resource.
Static monthly report
RB9 only
1099 Pay Detail Description Type Location This interactive report lists all resources paid in a specified period, along with their pay amounts and other details.
Exportable yearly report
RB9 only
Resource Production Description Type Location Lists all invoices (including the page count) generated for the specified period, grouped and subtotaled by resource.
Static monthly report
RB9 only
Original Page Production Description Type Location Lists all jobs (including the page count) generated for the specified period, grouped and subtotaled by resource.
Static monthly report
RB9 only
Task Turnaround Analysis Description Type Location Summarizes by resource how quickly they turn around jobs on average for the specified period.
Static monthly report
RB9 only
Resource Activity Description Type Location View a resource’s next pay amount or the total payable, along with basic information about the invoices, such as invoice and pay amounts. Drill down to view complete details of individual invoices.
Exportable report
Resource Analysis Description Type Location This interactive report summarizes a resource’s billing and payroll activities in different time periods, broken down by service. Includes sales and court taxes as separate line items so amounts match Client Activity reports.
Exportable report
RB9 only
Resource Billings Report Description Type Location Lists each service item and its pay amount, grouped and subtotaled by resource, one resource per page.
If your firm currently provides resources copies of their invoices, you can provide this report instead. Resources can check that they are getting paid for their work that was billed without seeing all the details on the invoice to the client.
Exportable report
Override Resource Pay Inquiry Description Type Location Tracks payments issued via Override Resource Pay so you can audit these payments separately from resource pay totals.
Exportable report
- Tax-related report
Sales Tax Description Type Location Lists all invoices that include a sales tax amount, generated for the specified period. Exportable report
RB9 only
- Job-related reports
Daily Calendar Audit Description Type Location Lists how many jobs been scheduled or canceled for the specified period. Can also be used to review new entries for typos and other mistakes.
Exportable report
Job Printout Description Type Location Lists all of the jobs scheduled for a specified date range, with details about each job.
Static report
Job Analysis Description Type Location Lists all of new and canceled jobs in the calendar by firm, broken down by contact.
Static or interactive/exportable report
RB9 only
Tasks in Progress Description Type Location This interactive report lists the backlog of tasks resources are working on, grouped by resource, in chronological order with the oldest first.
Exportable report
Send Overdue Tasks Report Description Type Location Lists the tasks a resource has missed their deadlines on, in chronological order, so each resource receives their own prioritized To-Do list of outstanding tasks.
Static report
Assignment Analysis Description Type Location Lists which resources have been assigned to jobs in a set space of time. Can be filtered to see what types of jobs and which cases resources are assigned to.
Static or interactive/exportable report
RB9 only
- Production-related reports
Production Sheets Description Type Location Tells the production staff what service items are needed and how many units to produce.
Static report
Production Daily Tracking Summary Description Type Location Lists all jobs with completed steps within a specified period.
Static daily report
RB9 only
Tracking Productivity Analysis Description Type Location This interactive report lists tracking items by item, by step, by manager or by resource for a specific time period, broken down by year, quarter, and month. Includes status of tracking items/steps.
Exportable report
RB9 only
- RB Connect report
Activity Log Description Type Location This interactive report lists firms and contacts using your RB Connect and how often they access it during a specified period.
Exportable report
RB9 only
- Other reports
Daily Balance Log Description Type Location Use this audit function to see accounts receivable balances for any date that transactions occurred, for example, if you need to reestablish a starting balance as of a certain date.
Exportable report
RB9 only
Invoice Inquiry Description Type Location Lists posted invoices based on a set of search criteria, including dates, amounts, job, and/or case.
Exportable report
Witness Inquiry Description Type Location Lists a single deponent or all deponents for a particular case or range of job dates.
Exportable report
Receivable Transaction Inquiry Description Type Location Lists payment histories that match specific search criteria.
Exportable report
Anniversary Inquiry Description Type Location Lists important client events, such as birthdays and anniversaries, based on a set of search criteria.
Exportable report
RB9 only
Marketing Inquiry Description Type Location Lists clients or resources in a range of categories.
Exportable report
RB9 only
Repository Download Log Description Type Location If RB9 is set up to track download activity (in Production System Preferences), this report lists all activity by contacts, resources, or users for a specific time period.
Exportable report
RB9 only
- DIY reports
- Any results grid can be exported to create a report in Excel.
- User can make own single-table reports using Query Maker. (RB9 only)
- User can make custom reports with Data Reader plug-in. (RB9 only)