
Our 35+ years of innovating

OMTI has a long history of innovations in office management software for court reporting firms, records retrieval firms and related legal-support businesses.

OMTI History Download the OMTI History PDF

OMTI Office Management Technologies
Our first decade

A San Francisco Bay Area software consultant, Yong Lee, develops the first version of Reporterbase (RB) software to help court reporters manage job scheduling and billing, establishing Reporterbase Software, Inc.

RB Software for court reporting agencies first debuted in 1985

RB Software develops Medical Records (MR) office management software for the records retrieval industry.

MR Medical Records software for records retrieval firms debuted in 1987

RB Software becomes OMTI, venturing into the development of educational and corporate training multimedia programs.

RB Software became OMTI in 1992

Our second decade

OMTI releases DOS versions of RB and MR.

First DOS versions of RB and MR office management software were released in 1995

OMTI moved to Texas in 1999

OMTI relocates from San Francisco to Houston, TX, to better serve its growing national client base.

RB office management software for Windows operating system and RB Web online offices debut.

Windows version of RB ReporterBase office management software and RB Web online offices debuted in 2000

Windows version of MR office management software debuted in 2001

MR office management software for Windows operating systems debuts.

MR Web online offices debuted in 2002

MR Web online office is released.

OMTI introduces subscription version of RB software and RB Web online office.

First Team RB user conference was held in 2003

OMTI hosts its first annual user conference in Houston. The Team RB conference brings together legal support firm owners and managers from across the US and Canada to focus on technology and best business practices.

Online Repository is added to RB Web.

OMTI started RB X change free job exchange in 2004

OMTI starts an online job exchange for RB users to find each other easily and take advantage of RB’s new feature that lets users share jobs without manually re-entering job information.

MR Medical Records was renamed MetaRecords in 2004

To reflect its use for tracking all kinds of records, Medical Records is renamed MetaRecords.

Our third decade

RB8 and RB Web 8, all new versions of the RB system, introduce new features such as a central case repository, SMS messaging, wireless/mobile access, Google Maps locator, data encryption and a word processor.

RB8 and RB Web 8 debuted in 2006
MR8 and MR Web 8 debuted in 2007

With the release of MR8 and MR Web 8, OMTI brings new features and technologies to the MR line similar to those in the RB8 products.

OMTI opened a development office in Seoul, Korea in 2007

OMTI opens a development office in Korea to work on custom programming projects and aid in the future development of RB and MR products.

A PDF transcript creator and a points system rewards plug-in are added to RB8.

RB-PDF Transcripts and RB Reward Points plug-in debuted in 2007
MR8 was majorly upgraded in 2008

OMTI releases major upgrades to the MR product line.

A new version of RB PDF is released that provides many customization options clients had requested.

OMTI debuted free RB digital signature proxy service in 2009

OMTI launches www.reporterbase.com, providing a free digital signature proxy service that works with RB-PDF Transcripts for court reporting agencies and their reporters.

Thanks to RB Web’s new E-commerce capability, court reporting firms can maximize copy sales and speed invoice remittances.

E-commerce capabilities added to web services

OMTI releases plug-ins that bring full-text search and streaming media capabilities to RB Web online repositories.

OMTI debuted full-text search and streaming media plug-ins in 2009
OMTI celebrated its 25th anniversary in 1985

OMTI celebrates its Silver Anniversary, 25 years in business.

Electronic billing is added to RB8.

RB Web Mobile Apps debuted in 2011

OMTI introduces RB Web Mobile Apps, connecting online offices to smartphones and tablets.

OMTI moves back to the San Francisco Bay Area to be in closer proximity to the Korean development office and the technology hub of Silicon Valley.

OMTI moved back to San Francisco in 2011

OMTI releases meTranscripts™, providing attorneys with transcripts that are designed to work natively on mobile devices.

With meTranscripts™ come RB Transcript Packages, which bundle the new transcripts with all of their related files. Attorneys can view attached exhibits, videos and other files in context, in a browser just by tapping on links.

me Transcripts and Transcript Packages debuted in 2012
RB Web Mobile On debuted in 2014

With a new mobile plug-in, RB Web can be used on all mobile devices through a browser rather than in dedicated apps. For clients, this means cost savings, easier set-up and maintenance and faster upgrades than traditional mobile apps.

OMTI creates its own online offices, like RB Web & MR Web, giving clients online access to their RB & MR subscriptions, invoices, support tickets, training schedule, and our new Idea Collaborator, where they can submit product feature requests and vote on other users’ suggestions. (UPDATE 2024: The online office functions for RB users were moved inside RB9 and RB Lite making them more easily accessible to RB users.)

And real life imitates (programming) art with OMTI moving into their own office building in Burlingame, CA before the end of the year.

Our fourth decade

OMTI celebrates its 30th anniversary by releasing RB8 Cloud, a cloud-based version of RB8 that eliminates the need for server hardware and software making RB8 more secure and convenient.

RB8 Cloud moves your RB8 system to the cloud

OMTI releases MR8 Cloud, a cloud-based version of MR8 that — like its counterpart, RB8 Cloud — eliminates the need for server hardware and software making MR8 more secure and convenient.

MR8 Cloud moves your MR system to the cloud

OMTI Korea, OMTI's development department, moves into its own building in Seoul, South Korea.

OMTI Korea moved into their own building
RB9 ReporterBase business management system for court reporting and other legal support businesses

OMTI releases RB9, a major upgrade to the ReporterBase system, which is browser based and maintained in the cloud. At the same time, OMTI releases RB Connect, the new version of RB Web that works with RB9.

OMTI relocates headquarters and the support team to Southern California.

move to SoCal

OMTI adds a new website called RB9 Primer, which contains lessons about every RB9 module, function, concept, and plug-in. A part of RB9’s educational outreach called ReporterBase 101, RB9 Primer helps RB clients and potential clients understand what every function in RB9 can do for their business.

RB Lite

OMTI releases RB Lite, a smaller version of RB9 that focuses on scheduling and billing functions.

OMTI moves the Customer Portal online offices for our clients into RB9 and RB Lite eliminating the need to sign into another website. At the same time OMTI moves the Agency side of ReporterBase.com for managing and applying reporters’ digital signatures to transcripts securely into RB9 eliminating another website sign-in.

RB9 and RB Lite

At the same time as these online moves, OMTI moves headquarters from Fullerton, CA to Costa Mesa, CA.