Give clients online records status & case repositories
MR Web online offices are for attorneys, paralegals and other clients, such as insurance agencies, who need access to information about cases you are working on for them. Instead of calling or emailing you their questions, then waiting while you look up the answer and respond, they can get the answers themselves online anytime anywhere. They can also download files and order records online at their convenience.
Customize your online services to your clients’ needs
MR Web is a plug-in to MR8. It’s a set of modules and optional plug-ins. Choose which modules clients can access, then customize them to your business by selecting office contact persons, editing automatic email messages and other content, and coordinating the look of your online offices with your company website. Add optional plug-ins to further customize your online offices for your clients.
MR Web online offices
Let clients check status of orders, download invoices & files, & request records online, including CODs.
Operate on both Mac and Windows platforms in a variety of browsers. All that your clients need is a browser and your URL.
Customizable to reflect your company and services.
Include SSL certification adds another layer of security to your MR Web site from a trusted 3rd party.
Available for a monthly subscription fee — cancel anytime.
Simple set-up.
- Attention
Clients can quickly view and send you instructions about open orders that require their attention.
- Order Progress
Clients can search for and view the current status of any of their orders with you.
- Account Activity
Clients can see their outstanding balances, paid invoices and invoice details. They can search for invoices online and download PDF versions of original invoices.
- Case-based Repository
Clients can search for and download all case-related files.
- Case Manager
Clients can order records and send files with orders. On continuing cases, clients can save time and reduce errors by copying a previous request and revising it, instead of starting from scratch. Clients can add information, such as additional Attorneys of Record or locations, to submitted orders.
- Reward Points for Web
Works with the MR points plug-in to give your clients access to their rewards points online.
- Order Progress Access Extension
Add this extension to MR Web to allow others (such as co-counsels) to view the Order Progress of an order.
Top MR Web benefits
- Works with more browsers & more operating systems
All your clients need to use your MR Web is access to the internet through the latest version of Edge, Chrome or Firefox on Windows or Chrome, Firefox or Safari on Mac — there’s no special application to install or learn. And since the data stays on your server, they don’t have to use their hard disk space until they download something.
Since clients can use their preferred browser and don’t have to change their work set-up to use your online offices, they are more likely to try your service. And when they see how convenient it is, they are likely to remain loyal customers.
No matter which browser & OS your clients use, it all works the same on your end — no separate systems to maintain or special procedures to follow. Your clients’ requests import directly into your MR8 so you can process orders, print forms, and bill jobs efficiently. And MR Web posts the latest information from your MR8 database automatically — you don’t even have to click a button.
- Fast & accurate information
MR Web online offices are totally integrated with MR8, so information entered anywhere in the system flows automatically to where it’s needed throughout the system.
This eliminates re-keying, which saves time and reduces errors. Plus it provides the most up-to-date information to everyone accessing it, so clients don’t have to waste time calling to find out about an order’s status or outstanding balances. And they don’t have to wait for you to send them documents — they can download them anytime.
Online status reports, repositories and invoices are searchable, so clients can find information easily — much easier than searching through paper copies.
With current financial information at their fingertips, they can provide better service to their own clients too. For example, they can search balances by case and quickly find information on expenses when settling a case.
In the same way, if they are working under a cap set by an insurance company, they can keep tabs on how much they have spent so far. Or if a third party is paying, they can easily see if the third party has paid yet.
Clients can request records online with MR Web’s “smart” order form. Instead of keying in a lot of information, they copy an existing order and update it. Also, much of the information in the order form is entered by selecting items in drop-down menus or clicking checkboxes. This further reducing the need for typing, which speeds up the process and reduces errors.
- MR Web is secure
Give clients and resources their own user IDs and passwords, so they can securely access their info anytime from wherever they have internet access.
You maintain your MR database and repository files on your own MR server — there’s no uploading docs to a third-party server you don’t control. MR Web uses SSL protocols to encypt information as it moves between your server and your user’s browser. No one actually gets into your system. And you can turn off anyone’s access with one mouse-click.
- Save time and money in-house
Because MR Web is tied directly to your MR system, you can more efficiently:
- Provide records to clients. No need to reproduce and ship records anymore — clients can download them anytime anywhere over the internet. If you already scan records for your archives as TIFFs or PDFs, making them available online in MR Web’s repository is an easy way to add value to your services.
- Notify clients of the availability of a record or notify in-house staff of a client request because it’s all automatic in MR Web.
- Provide clients with invoices online for downloading and paying as soon as they are posted, so any problems can be brought to your attention and resolved quicker, and you get paid quicker.
- Answer questions from clients away from the office without resorting to phone calls or email.
- Market your company with MR Web
Increase client loyalty and win new clients with MR Web’s marketing features:
- Get new clients by offering access to online case repositories during pre-discovery periods.
- Add MR Web’s log-in fields to your website’s home page, so clients visit your site each time to access their online office.
- Select colors for your MR Web to match your company website’s appearance and make the transition between the two appear seamless to clients.
- Change the content of the News page any time you want.
- Customize the subject, body and footer fields on automated emails to differentiate your firm from others while providing recipients with relevant information.
- SSL certification on MR Web sites
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a common protocol used for managing secure exchanges of information over the internet. It’s commonly used for e-commerce to protect a buyer’s sensitive personal information when purchasing through an online store.
MR Web offices are not online stores; instead they are virtual storehouses of medical records and other files, along with status reports and other business information maintained by records retrieval firms. The data is protected, and passwords are encrypted, which satisfies most records retrieval firms’ clients’ security requirements. But for those firms whose policy is to have all online data on validated sites only, SSL certification is required.
To purchase SSL certificates can be cost prohibitive. There are costs for implementation and maintenance, plus annual licensing costs. For a recognized name brand, the cost is over a thousand dollars annually.
Instead MR Web includes this additional security for no additional cost. MR Web subscribers have third-party validation of their web site identity on every page of their MR Web office by Sectigo (formerly Comodo CA), the largest commercial Certificate Authority in the world.
This service provides 128-bit encryption to hide the contents of files passed online to records retrieval firm clients, like insurance companies. Clients are able to view their documents, status reports, invoices and outstanding balances online, knowing their information is secure from unauthorized viewing or downloading.
- Get help when you need it
MR Web’s included support & maintenance plan provides phone, fax, chat, email, online and remote support, plus maintenance & update releases.
- Subscription based
We host your MR Web site on our servers for a monthly subscription fee. Cancel anytime with no further obligation.
MR Web includes:
- Set-up service
- Branding with your company logo
- Link to your MR server
If you want to link MR Web to multiple MR servers, you must rent as many MR Web systems as you have MR servers.
- Direct log-in fields for your company web site
- Third-party SSL certification
The same protection that is standard on e-commerce sites to protect a buyer’s sensitive information meets most records retrieval firms’ clients’ security requirements.
- Standard support
MR Web’s included support & maintenance plan provides phone, fax, chat, email, online and remote support, plus maintenance & update releases.
Are you ready for MR Web?
An MR Web subscription does not require you to have a separate web server, or even your own web site (it includes a welcome page if you don’t have a site).
- If you are on MR8 Cloud, you are ready.
- If you are not on MR8 Cloud, all you need is your current MR Server and a static IP address.

Check the full details of what's needed to set up MR Web
NOTE: MR Web requires MR8 office management software to operate.
Download the MR Web factsheet or contact OMTI Sales & Support for more information.