Help Center > Tutorials > Jobs > Job window’s Specialties section

Completing the job entry > Specialties

The next section in the Edit Job window is Specialties. Specialties are special skills, traits, or requirements that are needed by the assigned resource to be able to fulfill the job.

NOTE: You create specialties in Setup > Lists (refer to the List section of the RB9 User Guide). You should also make sure you’re adding specialties to your Resources setup as well. Only add specialties to a resource that they can fulfill as a duty or requirement of the job.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Let’s say this job requires a Realtime Reporter. In the Specialties section, click add button to add one.


  2. In the Add Specialties section, RB9 lists all of the available specialties in your system. Let’s check “RealTime” and click Save.

    add specialty

  3. “RealTime” is now listed under Specialties. This will make assigning a Realtime Reporter easier because when RB9 shows your list of resources that are available to be assigned to this job, the system will only display resources with RealTime added to their Resource setup. Anyone who does not have that specialty in their setup will not appear in the list of available resources for this job.