Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about RB

Grouped by product and module, we list answers to typical questions we receive from RB users. Answers on this page are for RB9, RB Lite, and related services. (FAQs related to RB8 products and services can be found on Idea Salad.)




  • A client called and requested a copy of all invoices for a case that settled. Do I have to send all of these invoices individually as separate files and emails?  

    If you pull up a list of invoices for a specific client, RB will send all of the included invoices as a single PDF file.

    You can use Inquiry > Client Activity or Billing > Send Invoices to accomplish this.

    1. Set your criteria in either function and click Search so that you see the list of invoices you need to email out.
    2. Click Send at the top right of either function, and you’ll have your options for emailing.
  • How do I turn invoice details on or off after I posted the invoice?  

    Once you have posted an invoice, you can still turn its details on and off.

    1. Click Inquiry > Invoice Inquiry, then search for the invoice.
    2. Click on the invoice number to open it and click Edit. In the General section, there is a check box that says Print details on invoice. If this is checked, it will show detail; unchecked it will not show detail.
    3. Once you make your changes, click Save and go to Billing > Send Invoices. Now when you preview the invoice, it will reflect the changes you made to either turn the details on or off. If you are already in Send Invoices, simply click on the Invoice No. to open the invoice and follow step 2-3.


  • Where is the Invoices Report in RB9?  

    The Invoices Report has been combined with Invoice Inquiry. It’s no longer a report, but you have the same search criteria that the Invoices Report from RB8 had, and it will produce the same results; the only difference being in grid layout format. You can export the results as needed to Excel to get a report.

  • A client called and requested a copy of all invoices for a case that settled. Do I have to send all of these invoices individually as separate files and emails?  

    If you pull up a list of invoices for a specific client, RB will send all of the included invoices as a single PDF file.

    You can use Inquiry > Client Activity or Billing > Send Invoices to accomplish this.

    1. Set your criteria in either function and click Search so that you see the list of invoices you need to email out.
    2. Click Send at the top right of either function, and you’ll have your options for emailing.
  • How do I turn invoice details on or off after I posted the invoice?  

    Once you have posted an invoice, you can still turn its details on and off.

    1. Click Inquiry > Invoice Inquiry, then search for the invoice.
    2. Click on the invoice number to open it and click Edit. In the General section, there is a check box that says Print details on invoice. If this is checked, it will show detail; unchecked it will not show detail.
    3. Once you make your changes, click Save and go to Billing > Send Invoices. Now when you preview the invoice, it will reflect the changes you made to either turn the details on or off. If you are already in Send Invoices, simply click on the Invoice No. to open the invoice and follow step 2-3.


  • I added a check payment to the wrong invoice, how do I remove the payment from the wrong invoice and apply it to the correct one?  

    You will need to first add a Debit Memo to increase the balance of the invoice. Then you can re-add the check payment to the correct invoice.

    1. To add a Debit Memo, click Receivables > Enter Other Transactions. Then click New > Debit Memo.
    2. Enter the invoice number you applied to the check payment to and click Search.
    3. In the Debit Memo section, enter the amount you are increasing the Invoice Balance, it will default to the total invoice amount so you may need to change this amount. You can also add a remark mentioning that the check was applied to the wrong invoice.
    4. Click Save & Close when you are done and then go back to the Enter Other Transactions Function, and post the Debit Memo you created.
    5. Once you have posted the Debit Memo, you can go back to Receivables > Receive Payments and enter the payment again with the correct invoice.
  • How do I pay multiple invoices with 1 check?  

    To pay multiple invoices with 1 check:

    1. Click Receivables > Receive Payments. Then click New > One Check Multiple Invoices to create a new payment.
    2. The Payment Type defaults to Check. Add the Check Amount, Check Date, and Check No. Then click Save. The Apply Invoices panel opens.
    3. You can choose to search for invoices by the Bill To Firm, Invoice No., or Invoice Amount range, or a combination of the 3.
    4. Click Search to show the invoices in the box below.
    5. Click on the invoice number to apply part of the payment, then click Apply. This will add the invoice to the Applied Invoices section of the Payment.
    6. Enter the next invoice number, or if you have multiple invoices showing, repeat step 5 to apply more invoices to the payment.
    7. When you are done applying invoices, click Cancel to close the Apply Invoices window.
    8. Back in the New Payment, the Payment Balance should be 0.00. Click Save.
    9. Go back to the Receive Payments function and the Payment you just created should show with the invoices applied. If everything is correct, check the box to the left of the Payment and click Post to post the payment.



  • Can I add a Notice or Billing Sheet to the Assignment Notification Email automatically so I don't have to add the file each time?  

    You can designate specific file types to automatically attach to the Assignment Notification Email.

    1. Click Setup > System Preferences > Calendar > Assignment Notifications and click Edit.
    2. Under the Email Message, click in the File types to be automatically attached to email from All-Resource-level, Firm-level, Job-level, and Case-level repository field.
    3. In the drop down menu, select file types. For example, you could choose Notice as a file type.
    4. Click Save. Now when you upload a Notice to the Job-Level Repository and choose Notice as the File Type, it will automatically attach that file to the Assignment Notification email.
  • I see email setup in System Preferences and User Preferences, which one do I use?  

    Ultimately this is up to you. If everyone should be emailing from their own personal email account, then User Preferences is where the email accounts should be created. If you have a minimal amount of email addresses and user accounts, and everyone emails from the same email address(es), then you can use System Preferences.

    If you have RB Connect, you should add at least one email account in System Preferences because that is used for the auto confirmations and cancellations that are sent to clients regarding RB Connect job schedulings. This is so in case a client responds to the auto confirmation email they receive, their response needs to go to a validated email account.

  • Is there a way to extend my session time limit before signing me out? Why do you have that anyway?  

    With RB9/RB Lite being a web-based application, it allows you the liberty and convenience of working from wherever you want, as long as you have a web browser and a decent internet connection. With this, however, comes the issue with security. Since RB stores sensitive data — particularly data in relation to your Business Units, Accounting, Contacts, and Resources — it will log you off after staying inactive for too long, much like how online banking sites sign you off after a predetermined length of inactive time. This is done to deter any prying eyes from compromising any sensitive data.

    You can change the default session timeout by going to Setup > System Preferences > General > Session Timeout. The maximum is 60 minutes, and your changes will take place upon your next login. Please note that since this is a System Preference, all users will be affected, including contacts and resources that use RB Connect.

User Preferences

RB Connect