Setting Connect preferences: Resource

The following sections are all settings pertaining to the Resource side of RB Connect. In these sections you will be setting job and turn-in options, accessibility, communication options, and more.

Resource Connect preferences set-up

  1. Announcements – Customize your announcements page.
  2. Accessibility – Set which menu options appear in RB Connect.
  3. Firms — Give resources COD client information.
  4. Jobs – Customize resources’ Job Calendars.
  5. Master Word List – Set the default PDF transcript format for master word lists.
  6. Turn In – Set resource turn-in permissions, notification preferences, and custom fields.
  7. Repository – Set notification preferences.
  8. Availability – Set time limits and notification preferences, and customize the email notice.
  9. Support Tickets – Customize the email notice and set notification preferences.