Help Center > Tutorials > Rates > Pay Rates

Entering pay rates

Pay Rates contain the earning amounts for all of your service items. Agencies often have multiple pay rates set up to accommodate specific needs. Pay rates can be based on negotiations with resources, networking rates with other agencies, rates based on difficulty of job, etc.

Every pay rate you create in RB9 will automatically inherit all service items set up in the Service Item Master. Not only does every pay rate inherit the actual service items, but also all default pay rates set for each item as well. Before setting up your pay rates, it would be best to make sure you have completed the Service Item Master setup first.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. To open the Pay Rates function, click Setup > Pay Rates.

    pay rates

  2. Click New at the top right to start the process of creating a new pay rate.

    new pay rate

  3. The main fields here that need to be set up are Pay Rate Group and Pay Rate Name.

    • Pay Rate Group is the group or umbrella that this pay rate will fall under. In my example, I will be entering resource-specific pay rates for Jason Yee. I previously created a Pay Rate Group named “Jason Yee Rates.” Here I’ll select that Pay Rate Group.
    • For the Pay Rate Name, give the rate a clearly specific name. The Pay Rate Name is important because this is what you see and will help you decide when to use this pay rate. In this example, I’ll have Standard, Semi-Technical, and Medical/Technical Rates for Jason Yee. Here I’ll input “Standard Rate” and click Save.

    pay rate

  4. Now all of the service items will appear in the section below. Open each service item one at a time and input the pay rate for each item. If there are service items that the resource should not get paid for, simply set the pay rate to $0.

  5. Scroll down to the Rush section and make any adjustment to each Rush Type if needed. All Rush Types are automatically inherited from the Rush Type Master.

  6. Once you’re done editing all the necessary service items for this pay rate, click Save at the top.

  7. After that, create the rest of your pay rates. Below is an example of all the pay rates I could have set up if I had negotiated rates with a resource, plus some standard rates.

    multiple rates