Help Center > Tutorials > Jobs > Pre-assign resources

Pre-assigning resources

In some instances you may pre-assign jobs on the calendar before they are confirmed. If you pre-assign, you will do so from within the job in the Tasks section.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. In the Edit Job screen of the job you are pre-assigning, navigate to the Tasks section. You should have the task listed here from a previous setting. (See Completing the job entry > Tasks.)


  2. Click the task type you want to pre-assign. In the Edit Task section that opens, you will notice the Resource field is blank, because no one has been assigned to this task previously. Click assign resource button (Assign Resource) to the right.

    look up resource

  3. In the Assign Resource section, RB9 displays available resources based on the default search criteria (if your task type is Court Reporting). Change the search criteria if you’re looking for a resource tied to a different Priority Level or maybe even a different Resource Type altogether, then click search button (Search). RB9 displays your available resources based on the updated search criteria.

  4. If you want to assign a resource who is already assigned to a task at the same date and time, you can set Show Available Only to No before clicking search button (Search). RB9 will show you all resources that meet the criteria even if they’re assigned to a task in the same time period.

  5. Once you find the resource you want to assign, click options button to the left of the resource’s name, and select Assign.


  6. You will then be asked if you want to send the Assignment Notification. If you want to notify the assigned resource of their new assignment at this time, click Yes to proceed to email the Assignment Notification.


    NOTE: If you do not wish to send out the notification at this time, click No. You can use Send Assignment Notifications/Cancellations later to send notifications.

  7. Click Save to return to the main screen of the job setup. Now you will see that the resource is assigned to the task.
