Help Center > Tutorials > Connect Preferences > Contact preferences

Setting Connect preferences: Contact

The following sections are all settings pertaining to the Contact side of RB Connect. In these sections you will be setting job options, accessibility, communication options, and more.

Contact Connect preferences set-up 

  1. Announcements – Customize your announcements page
  2. Accessibility – Set which menu options appear in RB Connect.
  3. Calendar – Customize online job requests.
  4. Order Transcript – Customize the email notice and set notification preferences.
  5. Account Activity – Set online invoice access and customize the payment process.
  6. Transcript Packages – Customize export options and email notice.
  7. Repository – Customize the email notice and set notification preferences.
  8. Reward Points – Designate which staff members handle requests.
  9. Support Tickets – Customize the email notice and set notification preferences.