ReporterBase > Services > Named User Licenses

Named User Licenses

RB users sign in through their browser using their own user ID and password. Each user must have their own user license to have their own unique user ID and password.

Because RB9 and RB Lite are browser-based applications, you connect to them through a web server first; RB9/RB Lite sends you information; then disconnects. They do not track the number of concurrent connections; they can only track individual users’ right to access the program.

This means each license is tied to a user ID and password — just like other applications or services on the web: If you subscribe to/are a member of, you have your own user ID and password to access these online applications and services.

Do not share licenses

While it is possible to share licenses, we do not recommend it for 2 main reasons:

1. Inaccurate audit trail

Since each user license is tied to a single user ID, all activities that occur with that sign-in are tracked to that user ID. If more than one person uses the same sign-in credentials, your audit trail will not be accurate. You cannot tell which person was using the license at which time if both share the same user ID and password.

2. Lost work

If a person logs into RB9/RB Lite using the same user credentials as someone who is already in the system, the first person will be logged out immediately, losing whatever unsaved work product they had. There is no warning or option to save before the new person takes over the license.